I finally made some time yesterday to work on some projects, and it felt SO GOOD!! My front porch was in need of much TLC, so I headed out early for Home Depot and Home Goods. I knew I needed a can of white spray paint to start. My friend gave me a red ikea table about a year ago, but I decided it needed to be white. Then, for a year now, I have wanted to make a rug by painting stripes on a drop cloth canvas. So, while I was getting my paint, I picked up a 5"x5" drop cloth as well.
Lucky for me, Home Goods is in the same shopping center as my Home Depot. I found two green and white cushions (the exact color I was looking for). I couldn't buy them right away though - I had to run across the parking lot to Kohls and Target first to make sure I was covering all of my bases. True to form, I ended up where I started and bought the cushions from Home Goods - does anyone else do that? Find something at the first store you go to, run around to a million other places and then end up where you started?
Once I got home, I got to work on the table. As soon as I started priming it, I realized I forgot to take a before photo. This is what the table looked like before...
And here she is after... I love me some white furniture!
On a side note - I must have picked the hottest day of the year to decide to do all of this. I was sweating my butt off!!
So next, I taped my stripes onto the canvas with painter's tape.
I used two different shades of green craft paint mixed with water. OK actually, it was not my intention to do this. After I finished the first stripe I realized that I was only going to have enough paint for two of them. So I skipped a stripe and then filled in the rest with another shade.
Here's what it looked like after I took the tape off...
And finally, my front porch is done. Well, almost done. I still want to make a wreath, and I have a planter project for next to the front door.
Can't wait to sit out there and enjoy! The cushions are so cozy!!
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